Welcome to filmDiP

Find what to watch and where to watch it, faster.

Stop the endless scroll

We don't categorize movies by genre.

Instead, our algorithm analyzes the emotional ingredients of movies so that you can directly search for what you're in the mood for.

Filter movies by dimension

You can use sliders to limit what appears in the movie grid.

For example, combine the funniness and scariness sliders and you may find movies similar to SHAUN OF THE DEAD.

Find similar movies

You can use the Aura Button to find movies with a similar emotional profile to what you've selected.

Check streaming offers

We show both where you can watch a movie in your country and also provide a global Netflix search.

Browse lists

This site is aimed at facilitating film discovery. To help, we've put together some lists focused on lesser-known films.

The Library

Our library consists of over 8000 films and it is constantly being updated.

This means we don't have every movie. We try to focus on movies that we think might be good recommendations.



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Sentimentality: 0
Scariness: 0
Humour: 0
Darkness: 0
Suspense: 0
Mystery: 0
Violence: 0
Romance: 0
Insanity: 0
Fantasticality: 0
Longest: 120 min
Earliest: 1995
Critics: 80
Audience: 70

About the sliders

Use the sliders to filter what appears in the movie grid.

Combine dimensions to find exactly what you're in the mood for.

Hit the circular arrow in the top right corner to reset the slider values.

Hit the circular arrow to reset the sliders.